How to lose fast and effective weight at home?

One of the most urgent problems of the modern world is overweight. Especially sharply it is in front of the beautiful sex, very critical of their appearance. Today you will learn the ways of the weight loss can lose weight from many different sources: Internet, Newspapers, TV, magazines, and magazines are a lot of options to offer to the women. But if they do so effectively and safely? How right a woman lose weight at home, to bring the figure in order and will not harm your health?

The rules of slimming

The basic rules of the expert slimming

Every human being, of the fight with the overweight and the question of how to lose weight fast at home, you must be aware that the wrong fast weight loss methods that make it possible to lose a significant part of the weight in a very short time, in most cases, only lead to temporary weight loss. The dropped pounds back again in their places, and "run" with "friends" in the Form of 3-5 pounds, and with them, drowsiness, apathy, hair loss, and even anorexia appears.

Proper and safe slimming is a complex and not very fast process. But do not despair, can be effectively removed at home under the power of every human to follow, especially some of the rules, and listen to the advice of experts. Develop the process of the perfection of his body with the inner work on yourself. It is extremely important to get rid of the uncertainty in their abilities, the essence of the people who are overweight, you need to stop being afraid and self-confident on your goal. We need to understand that losing weight is it is extremely necessary that you and not your husband, girlfriends, Fitness Trainer or a doctor-nutritionist.

Experts recommend that before you seem to be concrete and realistic goals, for example, 5 kg lose weight in a week, and then the process of weight loss, something terrible, and even lose weight – an impossible task. To lose to start the process weight and make it permanent necessary:

  1. rethink and plan your diet. Experts recommend eating 5-6 times per day Breakfast and dinner for up to 4 hours before departure to sleep. However, not everyone can have my life under these recommendations, not even in eating Breakfast, and for the second the lack of a full-fledged dinner – it is a real torture. Suitable for the composition of your menus need to make sense, the most important thing is that food was healthy and helpful, and the food is Fractional and equal distributed within a few days;
  2. normalize sleep, that should go at least 7 hours, give in your diary the days of recovery within 30-60 minutes. This can be a Meditation, a walk through the Park in your lunch break or NAP, depending on availability. Which method you slimming choose not to, without the normal sleep, he will be the expected results;
  3. they provide your body with a constant, regular, feasible physical stress. If the weight is too big, you sacrifice in your daily schedule regular walks in a pleasant pace to the elevators and public transport. To the extent that weight is going to go away, and more active forms of stress, you can make Jogging in the sports hall. Playing sports at home or in the gym, it is important to observe a drinking cure and for your health.
Diet for losing weight

These are the three most important points that you make in life to realize the person who wants to, to normalize your weight. In addition, in order to lose weight, decrease in volume and a more attractive, you need to take care of the condition of his skin, the covering stretched in the process of weight gain and, sometimes, stretch marks, and after you can limp to put back a very and messy. To avoid this, apart from the physical stress will not be superfluous to introducing compositions into your schedule weekly sessions of Massage with the use of nutrient. This procedure helps to improve the tone of skin and muscles, makes it more elastic.

What is the diet for slimming should

Anyone who is interested in how to lose weight fast at home, the first thing that should change you to establish your diet and fluid intake. On the question of the organization of the supply to be addressed carefully and rationally. If you are unsure whether a certain food or eating habits do not allow them, so limit yourself or monotonous diet, it is best to consult a professional nutritionist. He will tell you how to lose weight without pills, supplements, and magic pills to burn the fat and helping organize their diet properly.

If you're wondering how to lose weight for a week at home effectively and safely, the correct and honest answer to that is – in any case! To reach without harm to the mental or physical health significant results in so short a time is almost impossible. Unreasonable to limit the use of fats, proteins and carbohydrates can be extremely dangerous for the diet of the people, as all are required these component substances from the body, the normal course of metabolic processes. To learn much more important, how to combine all of these components smartly and get used to eat at the same time in small portions, and then grown body is smoothly such a food and to be satisfied with little.

But nevertheless, how to lose weight fast and keep the weight in the Norm? Important rule of nutrition for those who want to lose weight – eat them on a regular basis. The entire daily ration must be divided in the following proportions:

  • Breakfast – 30%;
  • Lunch – 50 %;
  • Dinner – 20%.

Daily in the menu, the vegetable fibres, semolina, bran, fruit, vegetables and bread, you need to be. It is important to remember that the most effective way to lose weight no results, if not from the menu, sweets, fast Food, alcohol, and carbonated drinks are excluded.

Organize physical load properly

As you know, approach to lose weight must be comprehensive to ensure that in addition to the organization of proper and regular diet, you need to your body with physical exertion. Sports the body requires for the activation and normalization of metabolic processes, which make the removal of fat and its excretion from the body as quickly as possible.

How to lose weight per month to 8-10 kg and the weight for long periods of time will keep increasing, without him? Answer: to train properly and regularly. In the initial phase, especially if the extra weight low and makes it difficult to motor skills, as the daily load, you can go Hiking or swimming, and later, when the muscles become stronger, and the weight a little to reduce, you can click the run and ride a bike or a stationary bike. If possible, you can go to the gym, step-aerobics, Yoga or Pilates.

Load off

But what if there is no possibility of participation in a Fitness Club? How quickly can a man lose weight at home to be beautiful and to be healthy? You can purchase a simple, inexpensive and effective sports equipment – hula-Hoop (hula-Hoop) and rope. These sports devices, if the daily workouts help to lose weight and to establish the metabolism.

The Training must be carried out so that all their movements were a joy, so clothing should be comfortable, and the air in the room fresh. By switching the most convenient time for Training, by the occurrence of any interference (by putting the phone on vibrate the alarm, the doorbell, the TV, Computer, etc.), you can find your favorite music and start Training Employ need to a minimum of four times per week, 30 minutes each workout, a period of endurance training should, as hour and more to deal with.